Make Chemical Inventory with File Maker Pro
Many labs make chemical inventory with FileMaker or FileMaker Pro, but FileMaker doesn't provide function to sort the names of chemicals correctly. Usually, you just get the chemical inventory like below if you sort chemicals by their names without special method..
(-)- camphanic acid |
(-)- camphanic acid chloride |
(-)-(2S,3S)-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane |
(+) diacetyl-L-tartaric anhydride |
(+/-) Cystathionine |
(5)- methyl aminopurine riboside |
(Ethyl) triphenylphosphonium bromide |
(Methoxymethyl) triphenylphosphonium chloride |
(Methyl)triphenylphosphonium bromide |
(R)-Methylactate |
(S)(+)-O- Acetylmewdic Acid |
[ ethylenedinitric]-tetraacetic acid disodium salt |
Acetic Anhydride |
Acetol |
Acetone |
Acetone (Histological Grade) |
Acetonitrile |
Barium Chloride (crystals) |
Barium Hydroxide |
Barium Oxide |
Barium thiocyanate |
Beef Extract |
Cyssor I (2-methyl-N1-benzenesulfonyl-N4- [bromoacetyl]quinone-dimide) |
Cysteine Hydrochloride |
Cytidine |
cytidine 5'- tryphosphate (CTP) disodium salt |
Cytidine 5'-triphosphate disodium salt |
Cytohelicase |
D - fructose 1,6 - diphosphate trisodium |
D- erythrose 4-phosphate ( E4P ) |
D(+)-2-Phosphoglyceric Acid (Sodium Salt/ Hydrate) |
That's too terrible list if you want to organize the chemicals in your lab. Recently, I write the script in the FileMaker Pro to sort the chemical names successfully. The below is what i got with my special script.
Acetic Anhydride |
Acetol |
Acetone |
Acetone (Histological Grade) |
Acetonitrile |
(S)(+)-O- Acetylmewdic Acid |
(aminomethyl) phosphonic acid |
D- Arabinose |
D- Arabinose (1- 13C, 99%) |
Barium Chloride (crystals) |
Barium Hydroxide |
Barium Oxide |
Barium thiocyanate |
Beef Extract |
(-)-(2S,3S)-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane |
(-)- camphanic acid |
(-)- camphanic acid chloride |
D- camphor |
(carbethoxymethylene)triphenylphosphorane |
Cyssor I (2-methyl-N1-benzenesulfonyl-N4- [bromoacetyl]quinone-dimide) |
(+/-) Cystathionine |
Cysteine Hydrochloride |
Cytidine |
Cytidine 5'-triphosphate disodium salt |
cytidine 5'- tryphosphate (CTP) disodium salt |
Cytohelicase |
(+) diacetyl-L-tartaric anhydride |
D- erythrose |
D- erythrose 4-phosphate ( E4P ) |
[ ethylenedinitric]-tetraacetic acid disodium salt |
(Ethyl) triphenylphosphonium bromide |
D - fructose 1,6 - diphosphate trisodium |
(Methoxymethyl) triphenylphosphonium chloride |
(R)-Methylactate |
(5)- methyl aminopurine riboside |
(Methyl)triphenylphosphonium bromide |
D(+)-2-Phosphoglyceric Acid (Sodium Salt/ Hydrate) |
( Trimethylsllyl)propionic acid |
That's perfect chemical list. That's right we want. Here is chemical inventory which I sorted in my lab. Of course, you can get same result in the Microsoft Excel with Macro function, but managing function in Excel is not better than FileMaker Pro or FileMaker.