How to print the result you have gotten?

The following comments all talk about the tag of peaks in the high resolution and print.  I have fixed the printing problem. The calculation result can be printed in all browsers software running on Windows or Mac. But  the problem is what you see on the screen is not what you print. you have to adjust the position of tags by setting offset of the up-down or left-right position. There is a problem in showing calculation result while you use Netscape browser (version 4.7). The first tag always locates under the data table. Sometimes you can fix it by selecting "Reload" on menu in the calculation web page.  I can not fix it because it is a bug in the Netscape browser (version 4.7). Netscape Company already fix this bug  in V6.2 versions. The software  works perfectly in the version 6.21, including printing the calculation result.  I don't test the version from V4.7 to V6.21. So I strongly recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer (above 4.0 version) and Netscape Communication (above V6.21 version) as your browser. 
  If you can not print the result yet, just write me. I will give you help as soon as possible.